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Dr. Forbes is always enthusiastic and willing to challenge his students’ thinking. He also brought some humor to the classroom which is always appreciated as a student.
— Student from The Cost of Inclusion, Spring 2022
It was clear Dr. Forbes had a lot of connections in and truly cared about the city of Gainesville. He provided valuable feedback on the assignments, planned interesting adventures, and brought in amazing people from the community to speak about relevant topics. Also provided valuable advice concerning the Honors Program.
— Student from Summer in the City, Summer 2022
Dr. Forbes always made our tasks interesting and interactive so that we could get a real feeling of how it is when you apply for a job or an internship. He was also always available for any questions and gave very constructive and useful feedback.
— Student from Professional Development: Engineering, Fall 2022

My teaching philosophy is inspired by all of the wonderful instructors I have had throughout the course of my educational career. They are those instructors who not only facilitated my learning inside of the classroom, but who proved to care about my learning and betterment outside of class and were eager to take part in that growth as well. Using their exemplary role modeling to guide me, there are three goals I strive to achieve in my capacity as an educator:

1.      Facilitate student interaction and thought exchange.

2.      Create a socially just and equitable learning environment.

3.      Be a holistic educator who values students.

These goals are ideals, but ones that I aspire toward with each class and with each student.